The operation of the American School would be suspended. In addition to those passive security measures specified for Security Condition GREY, you should:
1. Minimize use of vehicles.
2. Cancel all commitments to attend or hold social functions.
3. Remain in billets unless specifically ordered to report elsewhere by competent U.S. authorities. If you must go out for any reason, leave a note for the Area Chief.
4. Report to duty station if assigned specific duties in connection with emergency plans.
5. Be prepared to move to a designated emergency billeting area if this should become necessary.
6. Take all steps necessary to protect life and limb. Firearms should be used only as a last resort and when such action is clearly the only action which can protect your life.
7. Turn on your JANO radio and listen for announcements and/or news concerning the disturbances.
8. Have following immediately available:
a. Passport
b. Health Certificate (immunization register)
c. One (l) copy of inventory of personal property remaining in billets.
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